1. Ohio doesn't have any Biscuit World restaraunts...pity...miss the sweet tea and honey biscuits already.
2. Cicadas provide natural musical serenading as you drive -roll down the windows -turn OFF your stereo and give it a listen...before they're gone.
3. Lop-sided-abandoned-weather-beaten-old-barns are now my new curiosity...maybe...obsession.
4. Queen size sheets spray painted with messages make fantastic community message boards!5. Listening to live banjo pickin' bluegrass music & eating fresh home cooked organic food is really "almost heaven"...
I wishweaved all the way from Charleston to the New River Gorge Bridge -- evidence by the pics!
**BMLM -Bare Minimum, Last Minute -pronounced - Bim-Lim, -definition- the best way to have a party, live life, take out the fussiness and hassle of ' IT ' -concept invented by SARK
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