Monday, May 12, 2008

Carolina on my mind

North Carolina that niece just graduated from Guilford University on Saturday. To say I was gloriously proud is understating it a bit. Kristie is my second niece to graduate from this beautiful college. I found myself the whole weekend, recalling the past, remembering the little seeds that our family planted, the knowledge we imparted, my most importantly role as Auntie. I had hoped they would benefit from my listening ear, all the maintenance polishing of thier "wings", and the neccessary nudging of their comfort zones when needed. I was also so honored to be in the presence of so many of the graduating class of '08 Peace and Conflict majors IE --peace mongers. There is hope for our world when you look around a campus and feel the energy of 1000 people who spiritually support community, diversity, peace and stewardship. Congrats Krisite~

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Who is under the branch?!?