April marks the first month of my journey of official "unemployment" - I will no longer be receiving a payroll check for for my expertise, knowledge, advice and full participatory commitment to an employer.
This was all my decision. I could have stayed on for eons just DOing and Doing. Playing it safe.
But the inner voice wouldn't be quieted. I had to ride my wishboat through the waves of uncertainty and fear and row on.
The month of March with my co workers was the most rewarding in my career. I was showered with genuine heart felt appreciation, love and respect. My last week, without a spiritual umbrella and enjoying the tears of gratitude. . .
I came undone with cherishment.
It was amazing and exhausting. I will never forget it.
Now I'm thank-FULL to be here and starting anew. A new BEginning.
My first, really. No fooling.
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