Monday, April 26, 2010

Great Aunt Lillie

Today I attended a 19 second funeral for my Great Aunt Lillie. Her 89 years of celebration of life lasted mere seconds.

Born 10/29/1920.
Died 4/21/2010.

The remaining thirty-four minutes and 41 seconds of her service consisted of scriptures, preaching and a final altar call.

This experience has left me saddened. In those few brief seconds, the speaker defined an entire lifetime of a dear woman. Did Aunt Lillie want her life to be measured this way? In the end, it was only her vital stats and titles that mattered. Beyond all of the facts, I wonder, what was her story? What was her passion? What made her weep? That was what I came to hear.

What about us women? We dreamers. Teachers. Healers. The cement of families and communities. What is going to be said about us in the final chapter of our story? Who is going to share all the years of of aspirations, yearnings and accomplishments?
When it is my time to go. I want to have a show and tell. With lots of giggles and beautiful memories. And bubbles, definitely got to have blowing bubbles for everyone.

As a child, I always loved tagging along with my beloved Grandma to visit Aunt Lillie in the hills of Kentucky. Since she had no children of her own, her home was filled with fancy, frilly and fragile lovelies! I recall her cheerful country kitchen always had treats & sweet bananas. Her cutting and vegetable garden was a magical play land.

In her nearly ninety years of life on this earth, the measurement of her life deserves more than the seconds of "now-you-see-her-now-you-don't".

I wish her spirit, gentle flight and her legacy, loving longevity.

Monday, April 12, 2010

l i f e

Can my antennas be any more sensitive right now? Is it the most supreme spring we are experencing?

Is it the solitude and quiet I have gifted myself with?

The daily [[ innercise ]] ?

The healing energy of creativity?

I'm not sure - BUT- I'm overloaded with righteous appreciation for L I F E right now.

I try to carry the lessons from yesterday without too much guilt, LIVE in the present moment, and not lose too much of myself in the future . . .

which is so hard to do - because I am such a dreamer!

My mirror ball has steered me in U-turns, Plan Be's and new directions I never saw coming - BUT - always worked out best for me.

I don't want to predict, plan or over schedule TOO much. I try to balance the present whimsical dreamy wishfull glenda with the future whimsical dreamy wishfull ole crone glenda I know I will become - and make sure I've going to be taking care of...

Click here for a little vid in honor of : l i f e

Saturday, April 3, 2010

april [no] fooling

In my blue flower flip flops, I'm stepping out into a brand new me after oh-so-many years of DOing the defined me. But not the re-find me.

April marks the first month of my journey of official "unemployment" - I will no longer be receiving a payroll check for for my expertise, knowledge, advice and full participatory commitment to an employer.

This was all my decision. I could have stayed on for eons just DOing and Doing. Playing it safe.
But the inner voice wouldn't be quieted. I had to ride my wishboat through the waves of uncertainty and fear and row on.

The month of March with my co workers was the most rewarding in my career. I was showered with genuine heart felt appreciation, love and respect. My last week, without a spiritual umbrella and enjoying the tears of gratitude. . .

I came undone with cherishment.

It was amazing and exhausting. I will never forget it.
Now I'm thank-FULL to be here and starting anew. A new BEginning.
My first, really. No fooling.