Sunday, October 4, 2009

Bricktacular Ladies & Art

Here are just a few of the arted UP bricks from our Bricktacular par-tay 2009 -- for the 8th annual Bricks Along the Journey auction -for Breast Cancer.

This year ALL of the bricks for scavenged, salvaged or donated. A couple old ones from Little Italy in Cleveland, a few from an abandoned house destroyed in the name of urban sprawl, some from a greenhouse and the rest picked up along my travels throughout the year. We even got yelled at and chased by a few-beer-drinking- construction-men, one night, running with a brick, because I thought the house was abandoned - but heck - it was all in the name of benevolence so it isn't wrong....right? ?

I never look at bricks as just a building material any more - they are gorgeous hunks and chunks just crying out for artistic alteration!

"believe" by yours truly

"Witness the Power of Her!" by Terri Parmenter

"evening out" by Loraine Wyatt

"Step Up" by Candace Caplinger

"Soar" by Julie Hensley

All in all, there are 8 bricks being donated from the Bricktacular party from a few weeks ago! If you live in the area come and join the festivities and be a part of a wonderful and creative movement. It is good energy and good people. Buy a brick. Make a difference.

Bricks Along the Journey on Sunday, October 25th in Cincinnati -Ohio.