Sunday, October 4, 2009

Bricktacular Ladies & Art

Here are just a few of the arted UP bricks from our Bricktacular par-tay 2009 -- for the 8th annual Bricks Along the Journey auction -for Breast Cancer.

This year ALL of the bricks for scavenged, salvaged or donated. A couple old ones from Little Italy in Cleveland, a few from an abandoned house destroyed in the name of urban sprawl, some from a greenhouse and the rest picked up along my travels throughout the year. We even got yelled at and chased by a few-beer-drinking- construction-men, one night, running with a brick, because I thought the house was abandoned - but heck - it was all in the name of benevolence so it isn't wrong....right? ?

I never look at bricks as just a building material any more - they are gorgeous hunks and chunks just crying out for artistic alteration!

"believe" by yours truly

"Witness the Power of Her!" by Terri Parmenter

"evening out" by Loraine Wyatt

"Step Up" by Candace Caplinger

"Soar" by Julie Hensley

All in all, there are 8 bricks being donated from the Bricktacular party from a few weeks ago! If you live in the area come and join the festivities and be a part of a wonderful and creative movement. It is good energy and good people. Buy a brick. Make a difference.

Bricks Along the Journey on Sunday, October 25th in Cincinnati -Ohio.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Meeting Mr. President

What does one say to the President of the United States? What does one do when meeting a person of prestige and honor? I had this recent discussion with myself as I had the greatest distinction of a little tiny how-do-you-do with President Barack Obama a few weeks back. My typical greeting is all fru-fru with mommy-hugs, best wishes and all that. I know the Secret Service protocol enough to know, I didn't want to get arrested for accosting my favorite President.

I also thought about all the thousands of comments, compliments and criticisms he must hear through out an ordinary week of traveling and meeting with others. If I had the opportunity to meet him face to face and have his attention for a few brief seconds, and shake his hand, I wanted my greeting to have some jounce. I wanted something "special" to say at that moment, wouldn't you?

The entire event was beyond exciting and inspiring. His presence had a profound effect on me. When I got the chance to greet him, we shook hands, and I told him, "It is a pleasure to share the planet with you." He looked me in the eyes, gently grabbed both of my hands and looked me in the eyes and said; "Thank, you."

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Bliss & Biscuits in Tennessee

1.supreme happiness; utter joy or contentment:

2. found at Ms. Brenda Bliss's artsy diggings outside of Nashville

We had ourselves some creative wishful merriment!
Day#1: After exploring all her totally delicious mixed media jewelry we dove right into paint, glitter and ephemera. The 3 of us, Brenda and her delightful bright daugther Makena & I made accordian books --color, words & images - all traded to make our own little book about the day! THEN-

Day#2: after being inspired by a local art shoppe - we painted hearts and flowers on big canvases. Mine are bliss flowers in honor of Brenda and her downhome hospitality.

1.a kind of bread in small, soft cakes, raised with baking powder or soda, or sometimes with yeast.

We went to the Loveless Cafe in Nashville -not once but twice - to check out the jams and hams. See why I was wishin' for more goodies;

These scratch biscuits are so famous they won in a showdown w/ Bobby Flay. So. . . a girl can't be blamed for a trip two days in a row to "praise the lard and pass the biscuits."

Monday, March 2, 2009

My Wish for Jamie as you begin your thirtieth year of life.

i wish for you the gentle touch of acceptance as you walk your path.
i wish for you the peace and sweetness of love, friendship & partnership with respect from those you share your life with.
i wish you joy and understanding as you express your authentic gifts and message to the world.
i wish you knew just how much i adore and admire you.

but mostly i thank you for your presence in my life and the aspie mama badge you have helped me earn through the years as we climbed and conquered the mountain of autism.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

1 mom = 4 women

My sister, Terri, is an amazing power-full woman. She is sassy, bright, fragile and big-hearted.

She has grown four-baby girls into beautiful tenacious women. It wasn't easy - she sacrificed, laughed and cried a lot through the years. AND - the world is more luminous and promising now that Cori, Kristi, Candace and Kim are here among us.

She is hugging her little darlings forever in her heart and spirit knowing that she wasn't just a mommy, she was a creator of life & chief surveyor of shining potentiality. And, for me, Auntie Glenda, I am overflowing with pride and love. [happy birthday Terri!]